30th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety

Instructions for Papers

to be included into the Proceedings of the 30th Symposium of AER

Format of submitted paper:

• in pdf-format
• A4 paper set-up
• 5 cm top margin for first page
• 2.5 cm margin on all four sides for all other pages, maximum area of text is 16 cm x 25 cm and centred on each sheet
• no page numbers
• main text style: Times New Roman, 12 pt

Organisation of submitted paper:

• first page (incl. abstract)
• main body of paper
• list of nomenclature
• references
• appendixes (only if absolutely necessary)

Text and text format of first page:

• title of paper – centred and in capital letters
• two lines space
• author’s name and affiliation
• three lines space
ABSTRACT – centred and in capital letters
• two lines space
• 200 – 300 word abstract
• three lines space
• body of paper

Format of main body:

• Each character used must be clearly readable after 50% reduction.
• Text: single space – two lines space between paragraphs
• Major headings: capital letters and centred – three lines space before and two lines space after. If there are more than three major headings, they should be numbered.
• Subheadings: flushed left – two lines space before and one line space after
• Figures: number consecutively, include them in the main body or attach them after the references (they will be printed in black-gray, even when the original uses colours – so make sure that the transmission of colours into black-gray copies is unambiguous).
• Tables: number consecutively, include them in the main body or attach them after the references
• Equations: two lines space before and after each equation; numbering with Arabic numbers only if they are cited in text. Numbers should be placed at the right-hand margin in parentheses on the baseline of the equation. All equations (short or long) should begin at 1.5 cm indent. Superscripts should be small sized and please avoid any hand-written characters.

List of Nomenclature:

• list all the symbols used in the text/figures/tables/equations and their definitions

Format of References:

• indicate the number, author(s) family name(s) followed by the initials of first name(s) separated by commas, the title of the paper in italic style, name of the journal, volume number, year of publication, indication of addressed pages.