AER Secretariat
AER Secretariat
Vidovszky István
H‑1525 Budapest 114 P.O.Box 49, Hungary
tel. +36 1 392 22 93, fax. +36 1 395 92 93
Working group contacts
Working group A | Improvement, extension and validation of parameterized few-group libraries for VVER-440 and VVER-1000 | Pavel Mikoláš, ŠKODA JS | |
Working group B | Core design (advanced fuel cycles, code validation) | Petr Dařílek, VÚJE | |
Working group C | Core Monitoring and Surveillance (flux reconstruction, in-core measurements) | Imre Nemes. Paks NPP | |
Working group D | VVER Reactor Safety Analysis | Soeren Kliem, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf | |
Working group E | Physical Problems on Spent Fuel, Radwaste and Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants | Radoslav Zajac, VÚJE | |
Working group F | Nuclear Fuel Cycle Perspectives and Sustainability | A. Dudnikov, KI | |
Working Group G | Thermal-hydraulics, CFD | Bogdán Yamaji, BME Institute of Nuclear Techniques |
AER website
The website is developed and hosted by Reactor Physics department of ÚJV Řež.
Please direct all inquiries about the website and the electronic archive to .